At the point when many people consider their site attention is on the design, how the landing page looks, pictures & fancy button; what about colour? Is your site utilizing the correct colours to get the reaction you are expecting for from your visitors? Top web development agency agree that when it comes to web design, colours and hues can be  very powerful as some other component and you should know about how they can affect your clients and visitors.

Today we need to speak progressively about hues and colour in designing a website, so you can make certain you are conveying the correct message versus the wrong one.

The Colour’s Power

Regardless of whether you realize it or not, colours & hues can truly give an impact in both our attitudes and emotions. There is a specific aspect of psychology called Colour Psychology that is the science of how colour can affect behavior in humans due to the associations we have already made about that colour.

Generally, the assessment of colour occurs on a more subconscious level. While individuals do realize if they feel colours ‘conflict’ or appear ‘wrong’ in a specific situation, very little chance a client will inform to you that it was the website’s theme colours was the reason they purchased your product or service.

However that doesn’t mean colours aren’t influencing people in small ways. If you use the right colour, at the right place, you could easily convert your visitor into customer.

Website and Colour

Most websites have two main colours. One is primary and the other is secondary. Some site may utilize three colours with the third being managed to a complement decision. In all cases these colours ought to be specifically identified with your brand and logo.

The primary colour should be the one most connected with your brand image and logo so that when people see it, they effectively relate it to your business. The complimentary colours can be part of your branding as well or in the very least provide an excellent colour balance.

From this point we can dive deeper into specific uses for colour to create influence within your site by following common colour principles for accents to draw attention to important elements on your site:

  • Favorite colours for women – Blue, purple, and green
  • Least favorite colours for women – Orange, brown, and gray
  • Favorite colours for men – Blue, black, and green
  • Least favorite colours for men – Orange, brown, and purple

Blue is the best – One reason blue seems to be so popular is that it is related to trust and order. Even if it is not one of your brand’s primary colours, you can still make sure to use it around ad copy, reviews, testimonials or even products. You should also to look avoid least favorite colous line orange and brown, while also using favorite colours when attempting to a specific gender. Even if it is just a boarder or shadow accent to the headline, the addition can make a difference.

Green is green – Green colours are almost always associated with the outdoors and the environment. This makes it a perfect primary or complimentary colour for any site that relates to nature or the environment. It can also be used with buttons or CTA’s because it is a colour that can spur creativity and action.

Black is the new gold – It used to be that colours like gold or silver were connected with wealth or luxury but now the colour black is firmly in that place. With buzz concepts like ‘black label’ and ‘black is timeless’ there is a certain level of sophistication that the colour provides.

Yellow is a warning – Between warning signs and traffic lights, yellow is commonly associated with warnings. It is also considered a happy colour especially when using a bright hue. That combination of associations can make it a difficult colour to always use properly. In small bursts, it is a great colour to attract the eye and ramp up emotions.

Most importantly, colour does have an impact on our perception as humans. You need to make sure that your website is using the right colours not only to make sure you are creating the right connection between colour and emotion, but also to make sure you haven’t created the wrong association that is causing harm. By carefully considering your colours and then using testing to ensure the target audience agrees, you can make small changes to your website that will result in increased conversions.

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Tools for choosing the right colour for your website:

  1. ColorSpace
  2. Coolors
  3. Paletton
  4. Canva


Web Developer at Digital Primate

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